Community Resources List

Coral Shared-Care Health Centre
Allied Therapy is a proud collaborator with Coral Shared-Care Healthcare. A sustainable and resource sensitive ecosystem of healers and health care providers that share the care of people and their families. Assisted by secure electronic platforms and tools that enable access to personal health data and exchange of information to offer person focused, family centered, community based services. This work addresses bio-psycho-social-energy needs of people and vigilantly manages human impact on the environment. It is informed through awareness, recognition and respect for the skills that each has to offer. Relationships are built and strengthened over time through shared experience.

Shifting Tides Play Therapy
Play Therapy is an approach to mental health counselling that uses play as the method of communication and relationship between the child and the therapist. Play Therapy is not the same as Play-Based Learning, which is an educational method used in schools. Play Therapy is different from the kind of play that children naturally engage in.

Chebucto Family Centre
Chebucto Family Centre provides free services and supports to families and community members. These include but are not limited to: advocacy and support, health and wellness programs, prenatal and parenting classes, our Volunteer Doula Program, children and youth programming, family play times and operating as a Family Home Child Care Agency.

Fairview Family Resource Centre
The Fairview Resource Centre / Community Hub is an impact organization established in 1986 and is a registered charity. The FRC is located in the urban core of Halifax, Nova Scotia. The FRC services a large geographic area from Bedford, Clayton Park, Tantallon, Lakeside, Beechville, Rockingham and Fairview. The hub welcomes all community members to drop in to see what we have to offer. The FRC has 2 streams of programs/services; one for families and one for adults/seniors.
All of our programs and services are free of charge.

Canadian Accessibility Network
Allied Therapy is a proud collaborator with the Canadian Accessibility Network (CAN).
The Canadian Accessibility Network (CAN), under the leadership of the READ Initiative at Carleton University, is a national collaboration to advance accessibility for persons with disabilities through Research, Design and Innovation, Education and Training, Policy, Employment, and Community Engagement.

Mi’kmaq Child Development Centre
The Mi’kmaq Child Development Centre (MCDC) is a Non for profit resource organization consisting Aboriginal Head-Start (AHS), Community Action Program for Children (CAPC), and a provincially funded Daycare program. The MCDC provides a wealth of services through the Family Resource Programs.

LearnAbility Atlantic is an Education Solutions
Company specializing in Tutoring and educational support for students, Academic training/upgrading across sectors, Training needs analysis, and Professional development and consulting with specializations in diversity and inclusivity.