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Professional Fees


We offer free 15-minute sessions for anyone considering our services. It's a chance to ask questions and see if our services are right for you. Please book in a time with our Office Manager at 


Please see our current Fee Schedule here.


Missed Appointments and Late-Cancellation Policy


We get that life can be hectic, and sometimes appointments get mixed up. However, when you make an appointment, you're reserving our time.


If you don't show up or cancel with short notice, it affects our therapist's schedule and others waiting for help.


If you miss an appointment or cancel with less than 24 hours' notice, you'll need to pay 50% of our fee. If we arrive at the pre-agreed upon location and you are not there, we will bill 100% of our fee. We understand emergencies happen, so illness, dangerous weather, and emergencies are exceptions (thus we would not charge). We usually waive the fee for the first time, but it will be up to the discretion of the therapist. 


We send reminders through our online booking system via email 48 and 24 hours (email) and 2 hours (text) before appointments, but it's your responsibility to remember your appointments.


If you frequently cancel, we may need to discuss if therapy is the right fit for your family at this time. 


Please note this cancellation policy may not apply for multi hour  public and/or legal services.


Methods of Payment


For insurance coverage, please check with your provider about what they cover for speech-language pathology, occupational therapy, behavioural therapy, and physiotherapy. We can bill certain insurers directly.


If your insurance does not allow direct billing, you'll need to pay at the time of service. We'll give you a detailed invoice to submit for reimbursement.


You can pay online with a credit card through our system, pay via e-transfer to , or via cheque. 


Jordan's Principle


First Nations individuals can apply for funding for private services for children through Jordan's Principle. Learn more here.


Disability Tax Credit


If you or your child are eligible, the disability tax credit can help. Visit the CRA's website or talk to your accountant. We can help with some parts of the application process.

Learn more here.


Child Disability Benefit


Learn more here.


Medical Expense Tax Credit


Occupational therapists, speech-language pathologists, and physiotherapists may help you qualify for the medical expense tax credit. Visit the CRA's website for more information.

Learn more here.


Workers' Compensation Claims


If your services are related to a workers' compensation claim, you'll need to pay at the time of service. We'll provide an invoice for reimbursement.


Department of Community Services


If you receive support through the Disability Support Program, there might be coverage for services. You need to explore public services first, but if they're not available, private services might be considered.


Check the Department of Community Services for more information.


Review the Disability Support Program Policy for details.

36 Brookshire Court, Suite 200
Bedford, NS, B4A 4E9

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We’re proud to provide services for those eligible for Jordan’s Principle and Department of Community Services funding.

Allied Therapy Ltd. is committed to ensuring everyone, regardless of ability or location in Nova Scotia, can use our website and services. cannot guarantee or ensure that our website is compliant with all accessibility laws and worldwide regulations, but Allied Therapy is committed to continually improve our website content to keep it in line with accessibility standards. Please let us know if you have any suggestions to better support your viewing experience.


We recognize African Nova Scotians’ contributions to Nova Scotia through a rich history and culture.  Allied Therapy honours and respects this 400 year legacy.


We recognize we live, work, and play in the unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq. We are all Treaty people and must do more than acknowledge.


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