This month we have fun beach-themed activities the whole family can take part in.
The best part is you can support your child’s learning and therapy goals while also having fun using our suggested games and activities!

Gross Motor Activity
Use a beach ball or a balloon and hit it back and forth to play a simple version of beach volleyball. Add a net if you want to make the game more challenging.

Fine Motor Activity
Make a sailboat using sponge, straw, and paper. Then, place the boats on water and start a race. You can use a straw to blow on the sail.

Speech and Language Activity
Create a sandcastle and work on words like “scoop,” “dig,” “pour,” various spatial and position concepts (e.g. top, over, under, bottom), sequencing, taking turns, and following directions. You can also assign words to different sandcastle toys and tools that need to be said out loud first before being able to use them.

Book and Game of the Month
Read Day at the Beach by Tom Booth
Play Sounds of the Seashore by Cranium

If you have any concerns about your child's development, we offer home based care in Halifax, Truro, and virtual care in all of Nova Scotia.
Check out our services here and let us know how we can help: